October 31, 2010

Jean Paul Gaultier & La Perla's Cone Bras

Jean Paul Gaultier & La Perla's Cone Bras

For his first ever lingerie collection, Jean Paul Gaultier teamed up with La Perla to create a full line of cone bras inspired by the bustiers made famous during Madonna's "Blonde Ambition" tour. Pointy cups are back in style thanks to Mad Men, and we are ready to embrace the nostalgia and add one of these sexy kits to our closet!


Revlon doubletwist volumizing mascara Pierce Mattie's Plastic Cosmetic Surgery Public Relations w/ Life & Style Magazine

Concealer makeup Serge Lutens Bas de Soie : Perfume Review

Revlon doubletwist volumizing mascara

MAC MSF Natural in Light Q.
NYC cream stick in Big Apple Q.
We have the same name.
studio fix fluid, which was forever ago because im tan now and i dont want to spend a ton of money on a new foundation haha.
stila blush in "rose"-it sucks
Revlon doubletwist volumizing mascara

Concealer makeup Serge Lutens Bas de Soie : Perfume Review

Posted by: futyrywoke at 10:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 93 words, total size 1 kb.

Nivea-Lip Treatments-A Kiss Of Flavor Passionfruit (3.9 lippies, 31 reviews)

I love this! It smells amazing, and gives a nice pink tint but isn't too pink
or anything. It moistuizes & softens my lips and it stains them a nice color.(: I ...

Lip liner Britney Spears Channels Madonna for “Glee” Episode!

Lip liner Britney Spears Channels Madonna for “Glee” Episode!

Posted by: futyrywoke at 12:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 61 words, total size 1 kb.

October 30, 2010

Estee lauder lipstick EDUN for Sephora Palette Harmony Review and Swatches

EDUN for Sephora Palettes are reduced to $15 at Sephora estee lauder lipstick cu
rrently. The original price was $36 so it might be a nice one to pick up for Back to School or if you’re just wanting a new little palette to play with! I snagged the Harmony one which is the warmer of the two shade [...]

Loreal Eye Highlighter Line and Shadow Pencil

Estee lauder lipstick

เครื่องสำอาง Estee Lauder Pure Color Crystal Lipstick 309 Crystal Bronze Nobox
Estee lauder lipstick

Loreal Eye Highlighter Line and Shadow Pencil

Posted by: futyrywoke at 03:01 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 101 words, total size 1 kb.

Do you touch-up your makeup during the day?

Feel free to elaborate on y
our answer in the comment section!

It's My Life...

It's My Life...

Posted by: futyrywoke at 05:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 25 words, total size 1 kb.

October 29, 2010

Almay clear complexion makeup NOTD: Milani Dress Maker + Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure

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